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:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@purplewolfboy man the way you sent that i was like, 2 seconds away from reporting you for spam lmao

i didn't trust that link without any context

Schneewölfchen 🌨️🐺

@EeveeEuphoria Oh sorry... The link goes to the compiler explorer with a short golfed (squished small) C program that just prints the lower 8 bits of the codepoints of that emoji-sequence in hexadecimal...
It will run the program *on the servers of the website* and show the result in the browser. It's save to view.

Google for Compiler Explorer/ It's a well-known website and has a good reputation.
Sorry for the confusion and spammy appearance of my toot 😅

@EeveeEuphoria Oh sorry... The link goes to the compiler explorer with a short golfed (squished small) C program that just prints the lower 8 bits of the codepoints of that emoji-sequence in hexadecimal...
It will run the program *on the servers of the website* and show the result in the browser. It's save to view.

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