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Chaotic Natural 20

I guesstimate that only seven people will get this joke:

What does a Greek cow say?


Joseph Holsten

@DelilahTech I hope I know some nerds who will prove your guess wrong

Chaotic Natural 20

@josephholsten nine favorites so far is telling me I might be a little off the mark., hah.


=> how does one record a Greek cow mooing?
<= using a ฮจlson cloud chamber

Jon A. Cruz

@DelilahTech I've said that to my scientist daughter ๐Ÿ˜‚

David Nash

@DelilahTech In my flavor of English, the name of this Greek letter has a bonus /j/ (like in 'yes') in the middle.

So ... in my case, this is more what a Greek *kitten* says.


@DelilahTech I did get it eventually but thought "micro" first.

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