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Marcel Bischoff

@newsorpigal @nixCraft The same argument could be made for 90% of all people in all professions, including software developers, depending on the viewpoint.


@herrbischoff @newsorpigal @nixCraft Precisely! 90% of nurses and doctors are completely useless, and never contribute to the end goal.
Just like fire fighters!



@Mabande @herrbischoff @nixCraft

Nurses, doctors and fire fighters do useful work. Project managers don't.


@newsorpigal (that @herrbischoff was way off mark with "90% of all people in all professions" was kinda my point)

Marcel Bischoff

@Mabande @newsorpigal @nixCraft How about assuming benign intent instead of reflexively starting to shout at me? Would it have made any difference for you if I had chosen the word “most” instead of “all”? If so, please assume from now on I did mean that.


@herrbischoff @newsorpigal @nixCraft Sorry, but I had assumed more benign intent on your "90% of ALL people 😡" if you hadn't reflexively gone "not ALL project managers 😢" on someone venting about bad PM's.

Marcel Bischoff

@Mabande @newsorpigal @nixCraft I honestly don’t understand what this means. I can’t parse it. But don’t worry, I’m not prepared to go into this further. I believe to have been reasonably clear on my motives and meaning now.

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