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Swede’s Photographs

Moon with my IPhone, I think that’s Venus in the upper left corner.

:heart_pan: jo

@Swede1952 @ReticentTurnip I was wondering what planet that was too. I’ve been trying to frame it into some pictures. Hopefully I’ll have some keepers when I finally get around to sorting through my raw files.

Swede’s Photographs

@jph @ReticentTurnip

I’vetoyed with the idea of getting a telescope that could take more detailed photos. But it’s not a priority. 🙂

:heart_pan: jo

@Swede1952 yeah I’ve just been snapping at it handheld with some of my street lenses. If it hangs around a bit longer I might try setting up a tripod. Can’t really zoom too much and keep them both in the frame so I’ve been looking for interesting scenery to include.

Tywyll Seren

Yes. Venus, that morning and evening working girl.


Venus has been exceptionally showy lately!


@Swede1952 yes it is Venus you caught on your phone , they looked really fantastic in the sky last night and funnily enough,I took a picture on my phone too !

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