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Alice :neocat_trans_cute:‮

To be clear, this is an old mockup ( this one) + some parts from current Geary + some improvisation, like the floating button. ^^

We just needed a way to test split view sizing with realistic content.

Alice :neocat_trans_cute:‮

And here's how it resizes. The new part is that the sidebar size is dynamic.


fr the only mail client ive seen this nicely designed is apple mail and even then it doesn't collapse like that

fucking awesome job :blobcatheart:

Alice :neocat_trans_cute:‮

@tomxcd I mean the collapsing is already there in geary - it's just that it's still GTK3 so can't use any of the new widgets or styles :(

Jacob Michalskie

@alice @tomxcd Collapsing in the current geary seems far worse than what is shown in the mockup though, the leftmost column is unreasonably wide, the middle column does not collapse on wide viewports, which just leads to having to have the window be really wide for comfortable use

Daniel Wood

@alice looks so clean and modern 😍. The hike doesn't look too interesting. I might give that a miss.

🇫🇷 Jesse what the fuck is that holy fuck that looks amazing

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