> Transgender people violates the law of nature. There can only be male and female. They teach that in school.

If whatever they teach you in school is accurate, then explain this to me:

Why is it that, in school, the formula for the force of Gravity is:

\displaystyle{F = G \frac{m1m2}{r2}}

where G is the Gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects involved, and r2 is the distance between the objects.

But then when you move forwards to higher studies and you study advanced physics, the formula becomes a system of 10 equations resumed as

\displaystyle{G_{\mu \nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu \nu} = kT_{\mu \nu} }

\displaystyle{G_{\mu \nu}} is the Einstein tensor, g_{\mu \nu} is the metric tensor, T_{\mu \nu} is the stress-energy tensor, \Lambda is the cosmological constant, and k is the Einstein gravitational constant?

Sure enough, a 1684 equation was not enough to describe our world.

And just spouting things like "there are two sexes" is also not enough to describe our world.