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i dreamt last night that there was a "new version of ls" which included a flag which would list each file's "gender". and there were a LOT of different ones and people were arguing about what all the abbreviations meant because it wasn't consistent across distributions


@jk iirc files on unix do actually have a gender of sorts. either file, directory, socket, pipo or symlink


@jk GNU genders vs BSD genders 😅


@jk as a novice computer toucher this is what write permissions look like to me


-w (woman)
-r (ratboy)
-x (xenogender)

imdat celeste of Tau Ceti :v_nb: :v_tg: [NaG • NaB]

@jk @Skiriki Well, that's Linux for ya, out there... can't even agree on the flags 🧐

Industrialized Parrot Moniker

@jk “Release 0.11.0 upgrades ls genders to conform to POSIX compliant abbreviations; removes mandatory sexuality flag when invoking gender flag.”

Klaus Stein

@jk Besides ls we have lsattr for extended attributes, maybe it is hidden there ;-)


@jk The first Operating System banned in the state of Florida


@jk I doubt a simple program like ls would be up to the job tho. It's only looking at the files superficially, from a file system point of view. But you simply don't know how they dress up these days.

To determine the real gender of a given file, you would have to look very strongly at the bytestream with a hex editor. That's mandatory before permitting write access in a public bathroom in Florida.

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