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Clockwork ☃️✒️


When I read these I ALWAYS assume that the app can track something that the website can't and they WANT you to use the app for that reason.

Lunar 🛸 ♾

@clockwooork @epidiah Well, of course! Instead of just taking whatever they can get from your browser, they've got access to your whole device. Also makes it easier for them to send you notifications and get more of your screen time.

Johan | PD1JMB

@clockwooork @Epidiah Not only tracking but also serving ads in ways that are less or not blockable.


@clockwooork @epidiah
It's true and now they won't let you leave the app if you click on a link. It opens in their browser and you can't alter any of its settings. I'm sure it's tracking, why else bother with this effort?


@clockwooork @Epidiah I mean, yes, but it can also be for user retention.


@epidiah It does point to what I'll call "intentional shitification".

The whole "download my app!" incentive structure in general is a scourge.


@Epidiah to which i always respond: 'yeah and my device works better without your spyware installed; Now shut up and send me HTML you chancer'

black traffic 🇺🇦

@epidiah it’s the “best viewed with Internet Explorer” of this decade.


@blacktraffic @epidiah except that they want to get you to their app to get your mobile ad ID while the Internet Explorer drama was just laziness.


@blacktraffic @Epidiah …and we all know what happened to Internet Explorer 😈


Absolutely did not expect to strike a chord with everyone else on this one.

I'm going to mute this so that my notifications don't spend the rest of the day blowing up. But thank you all for being so cool about it. So far, going micro-viral on Mastodon has been a far better experience than it ever was on Twitter.


@epidiah I think there's a few typos in the text. It should read "Install the app so we can monetize more of your data". What a misprint huh.


@Epidiah Translate: "We're spying on you, but we can spy on you better if you install our spyware."


@Epidiah god i hate those notifications. You can easily block them on a desktop but on a mobile browser its more involved.


@howtophil @epidiah Or they could just make the mobile UI good, which I thought was the complaint.


@Lenora256 @Epidiah
I thought that, like me, they use a computer and don't want to deal with the absolute hellscape of small-screen-UI every time they want to get something done. Phones are crap compared to real computers /shrug


@epidiah if they didn't keep popping up the message, the website would've been fine.

SerTapTap (She/Her)🎮🏳️‍⚧️

@Epidiah Always hated this, now you can't even log in on mobile web =/

sour patch dyke 🧡💚❤️💛💙

@epidiah does it also jump under your thumb when you scroll because they couldn't figure out how to align the damn popup or is that just for me

Mitex Leo

@epidiah I use Troddit 😶 just because of this bs.

DeManiak 🇿🇦 🐧

@epidiah They always misspell "we can track you better if you install our native app"

@infosec_jcp 🐈🃏 done differently


It's #JAFW (Just a FsckN Website) in my mind so... Yeah. Send me the HTML. Thnx 😆

Ryan Poirier


Translation: ”We can't track you unless you use the app”

Bloonface I am continually impressed by how much effort Reddit is putting in to make using their website an absolutely miserable experience no matter what device you use it on or what app you use to do so

Mothem(amara)💜 :verified:

@Epidiah who's fault is it when the apps are so large I have to use it on mobile browser?😂

Frosty ❄️🌨️ Whiskateers =OωO=
@epidiah I find that sometimes they lie. The web version looks better

@epidiah I'm just happy they stopped telling me I could either use the app or open in Chrome when I visit from Firefox. I mean clicking to open in Chrome always just proceeded with Firefox anyway but it still annoyed the crap out of me lol

Asta McCarthy

@epidiah File a bug report so they can fix their webpage.

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? 🦑

@epidiah also in the app the adblocker doesn't work. Might have something to do with that message


@Epidiah some day it's going to have been 20 years since i last installed somebody's app and discover that apps started supporting multiple tabs and pinch zoom 15 years ago.

King Calyo Delphi

@Epidiah "We want to encourage you to use a device that you probably don't have an adblocker installed on, where we can more easily collect marketable metrocs about you without your consent."

Elon Musk ✅🧿

@epidiah This is very annoying.

Also: "log in to join the conversation"

ok...guess I won't be "joining the conversation" then.


@epidiah I have this issue with Reddit, so now I don't go there anymore :Hehe:


@epidiah I don't know, but it's a rather brutal indictment considering the abysmal UX nightmare that is the Reddit app.

Alan Langford

@epidiah "looks better" is code for "looks better for our big data gathering systems". Often it doesn't actually look any better in the app at all.



A developer/moderator(?) for Reddit stated, at the time that they removed the option to disable the Reddit app popups, that it was to consolidate settings, and various other non-committal statements.

They tried to heavily imply the setting was returning elsewhere, without a single promise.

I really should dig back into that conversation..


@Epidiah this is my exact thought every time I see these prompts, immediately followed by, "sounds like your problem, not my problem" at which point I click the "stay here" button


This is exactly my reaction.
Followed by "if the site is this slow and terrible, the app is gona be so much worse".


@epidiah "Hi, yeah we made this crummy, bloated mobile web site but we promise we way better at making apps!"


@epidiah you can almost always insert "to our investors" into those messages with out braking the grammar and improving the clarity.


@epidiah but.... mobile first!

Fuck mobile first, my desktop has 4x 22 inch wide screen monitors vs my tiny ass phone.

Mobile first is fucking stupid.

Robert Logger 🇳🇱 [Friendica]
@epidiah @nuintari Nowadays, your mobile can have those screens too!( but won't be that mobile anymore.)
a snail

@Epidiah it’s not even true. Facebook does look bad in the mobile browser. But Reddit looks fine 🤔

ko kāihe ahau 🫏 :verified:

@Epidiah @simon_w I remain convinced that this is code for “we can track you better in our app.”



Translated: our ad revenue is better in the app

Molly in Missouri

@epidiah It's also untrue. I use excellent ad blockers and deshittification add-ons with Firefox, and as a result am rewarded with a superior online experience without letting the apps install all the garbage Corporate wants me to tote around with me so it's easier for them to 'tailor' advertising to 'suit my interests.'


@epidiah that always translates to me as “Please let us have more of your data! Use our tools to view content you already paid for!” No. No, I will not.


@epidiah I set up a userscript that redirects to an alternative UI. There is no login on this UI, but that's a good thing.

Tetra I think it's...nah, it can't be reddit's fault. Must be the entirety of web standards.


@epidiah Plot twist: This looks better in the browser


@Epidiah in an App that is very likely just a browser with some crap bolted onto it?

Caleb Maclennan

@Epidiah My thought every time. What they really mean is "please install the app so we can track you better and send you push notifications later to get you back, and in return we'll let you use our slightly more developed wesite in an app wrapper."

lp0 on fire :unverified:

“ooks better in the app” (as viewed inline) – I blame the Librarian.



"We intentionally made this page look worse in your browser."

Dawid Rejowski


Funny thing is that is not a web page, but a full blown app compiled to JavaScript anyway.

Grumpy Green Troll

said the wolf at Grandma's computer: "all the better to track you with, my dear"


Eric Vitiello

@epidiah Wait I thought things like electron were just as good as native UI

Nate Barham

@Epidiah @shantini Thank you! Literally every time I see this.

Hippo 🍉

@Epidiah adding to the flood: it's even more annoying when I get this on my #KaiOS browser, because they haven't even *provided* an app for me to install 🔍

And whose fault is that?


@epidiah This app could have been a website …

david :apartyblobcat:

@epidiah I only have the reddit app because of those posts where it says you have to login to view them, cause they are nsfw
Yea you can change it to but it gets annoying

Mathias Hasselmann

@epidiah Let me correct the message: "Massive user tracking and advertising works better in the app."

Poppy Farbird (Pen Name) No ability to block ads and or trackers? Then this page will always be better in the browser. No exceptions. 💢

Alastair Temple

@Epidiah @damon

Tbh I am not even sure it does look much better, their app is rubbish.

Jimmy Hoke :tardis:

@Epidiah I can imagine two reasons they want you on the app.

1. They want to track you more than the web browser allows.
2. They want to keep their site on your home screen and remind you that it exists with push notifications. This keeps you using the app.


@epidiah aka we can harvest more of your personal deets in the app?

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