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@rysiek @ariadne @deno_land what's the reason for those two /-look-alikes in unicode?

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@csdummi no clue, but I will say whatever the reason, it's certainly better than "we want to make money on .zip TLD" for .zip TLD to exist at all.

@ariadne @deno_land


@rysiek @ariadne @deno_land apparently U+2044 is supposed to be the horizontal line used for fractions (e.g. ⅜) and U+2215 for divisions (e.g. m/s).

I'm not going far down this rabbit hole, but it really seems like we could do without those inside a URI. Ofc I have no idea, maybe a website for mathematics or physics relies on them.

Though a browser add-on might be created to warn when they are in a URI.


@csdummi @selfisekai @rysiek @ariadne @deno_land don’t non-ASCII characters have to be urlencoded? If you’re showing the raw URL the encoding should make it apparent that they’re not path separators, and if you’re not showing the raw URL you should be using formatting to make the parts distinct. This strikes me as mostly a display bug

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