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the best "domain hack" so far has been - its just the default for a minecraft server

Sqaaakoi :flagEnby:​

@ipg whoever wrote the "# The only server software you should be using is Paper, found here" at the bottom is so wrong

Sqaaakoi :flagEnby:​

@ipg i don't like it when devs fix security vulnerabilities in a piece of software used by thousands of people to scam children

Sqaaakoi :flagEnby:​

@ipg papermc loves fixing dupe exploits too much for my liking. i like watching the pay to win server owners cry about duped crate keys and a broken economy. it's funny

Sqaaakoi :flagEnby:​

@ipg i don't mind the performance improvements though, i won't let mojang get away with how poorly their game performs

alex :antiverified:

@Sqaaakoi @ipg the fact that minecraft doesn’t have LODs is an absolute disgrace. the Distant Horizons mod isn’t perfect but imagine if it had been build in from the first release and worked on by salaried engineers rather than volunteers.

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