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Luis Villa

@ariadne Yeah, was going to say, this is what Nokia’s internal politics took away from you, though I guess at that time Nokia was #BigTech lolsob

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@luis_in_brief oh i was referring to how android and iOS cleaned nokia's clock

Luis Villa

@ariadne sure, but that was at least in part because Maemo was hobbled by bizarre internal politics (no cell modem? wha?) well before Android and iOS launched.


Yes, it had too little RAM to be able to fully boot without swap, and the MicroUSB charging port was fragile shit, but the UI was more intuitive than anything the Android people have ever come up with (even now, 13-14 years later). IMO, at the time of its release, Maemo 5 *was* miles ahead of Android (the N900 was released 2 weeks after the release of Android 2.0).

James Henstridge

@ariadne Software architecture wise, it seemed to be released a few years too late. It was already becoming clear back then that app sandboxing was a good idea, and Maemo didn't really give you that.

Most of my experience was with a few Maemo components we reused in Ubuntu Phone, and it was a pain trying to retrofit confinement onto them.

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