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Brian Swetland

In 2002, the Danger Hiptop launched (as the T-Mobile Sidekick). It was an always-on mobile device with email, IM, and web browsing, running on T-Mobile's GPRS network. A sort of proto-smartphone with a 240x160 black and white display and great keyboard.

A coworker of mine set up a group blog thing for folks to share the launch day experience -- I just found my backup of this:

Also, screenshots of the 1.0 UI:

#danger #hiptop #sidekick #launch

Brian Swetland

Back when Danger was in stealth mode, pre-launch, the website just showed a random teaser flash animation. I found the SWF files and through the magic of WASM and something called Ruffle (, you can now experience these in all their rotoscoped glory!

#danger #animation #hiptop

hot metal oxide

@swetland These are amazing! (also is sweet).

Brian Swetland

@cda It is a fantastic piece of technology which has restored SBEMAILS to the world. I feel like the authors deserve some kind of prize for Preservation of Internet Culture...

hot metal oxide

@swetland Agreed! We lost a lot of whimsy when Flash got pushed out.

Brian Swetland

@cda Flash was absolutely awful in so many ways... but there was a lot of fantastic content created for it... at a time when 1080p high quality video was still a distant future technology.

Brian Peek

@swetland Do you have a copy of the Danger(ous) Girl ringtone somewhere? :) I still have all my old source for the games we were going to release. We got shot down because T-Mo said we couldn't use the network.

Brian Swetland

@brianpeek No ringtones among the various Danger/Hiptop-related digital artifacts I've stumbled over. Sorry!

Brian Peek

@swetland Hm, wonder if I can pull it out of the old simulator. Digging...

Brian Peek

@swetland Menu screen from the first thing we were building. Not overly exciting, but it was PvP w/ Lobby Checkers! Also had Reversi and a Battleship clone.

Brian Swetland

@brianpeek I archived the source for my Hiptop Z-Machine runtime on github a while back:

Brian Peek

@swetland Awesome, I had it installed and used it often.

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