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Johannes Ernst

The #Fediverse has a business model problem. (Use the term "business" loosely if you like.)

Today's exhibit: Guppe groups is a loss-making project, donations are insufficient, and the developers will need to shut it down if that doesn't change asap. Given all the things they tried already, that seems unlikely.

Lots of projects will end up like this if we don't solve this.


@J12t a problem that crypto socials like $DESO and Nostr will never have. It'd be trivial to raise money on those platforms.

Johannes Ernst

@schizanon โ€œneverโ€ is an awfully long time. In the growth phase, sure. But what about in a โ€œvalueโ€ phase or declining phase? We need some model that works over the long term, ups and downs.


@J12t yeah, that's what cryptocurrency does; facilitate payments. It will *always* be easier for $Deso projects to raise money because the payment mechanism is already there.


@J12t this is how the economic systems are setup, anything that doesn't conform to the capitalist ideology are destined to fail, and will struggle to even get going. (Art, Poetry, decentralized social networks).

Either you get money by doing something people will pay you for, or be really good at fundraising. That last one is an actual skill, and requires significant effort. The difference between these two models is slight, which is why we see news orgs like NPR so corrupted by capitalism, they're all part of the same system.

@J12t this is how the economic systems are setup, anything that doesn't conform to the capitalist ideology are destined to fail, and will struggle to even get going. (Art, Poetry, decentralized social networks).

Either you get money by doing something people will pay you for, or be really good at fundraising. That last one is an actual skill, and requires significant effort. The difference between these two models is slight, which is why we see news orgs like NPR so corrupted by capitalism, they're...

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