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~BitBun~ :bunRetro:

@toffy What if NPC rabbits could man stations to make things work, so they are like resources to run things like tilling fields, moving the conveyer belts, operating stationary lifts, etc. So in a sense, they act as the "electricity" for the factory.

Long-term progression is farming different kinds produce, and based on what you allocate to your workforce to feed the bunnies changes their efficiency - but also cuts off your bottom line. It allows you to farm more faster, but at the cost of a huge cut of the food per day. Start with lettuce, then onions, then tomatoes, etc up to carrots. End goal is obviously carrots.

The way you get your rabbits and equipment in the first place is by completing farming contracts (X lettuce + Y tomatoes = A bunny joins you farm, or lesser contracts X onions + Y tomatoes = A bushel to allow a bunny to hold more while picking).

If you want to keep things simple, you could go the Animal Crossing route and say the main bunny (the player) has an outlandish debt to pay - one million carrots! He realizes doing it on his own is impossible.

~BitBun~ :bunRetro:

@toffy The thing I don't like about this is it sounds like a lot... And I feel like I've seen it before.

Maybe just a few bunnies working a farm and focus on making the game comfy instead. Harvest moon route - is another way you could go with this.

So the focus in this case is just living a comfy life, but surviving through hard times like winter, or droughts, or whatever.

Maybe a more constrained idea like that would be more doable, and feel more personal.

~BitBun~ :bunRetro:

@toffy I kinda feel like that "says more" even, to have a more charming experience with a small family of bunnies. And it still has some things to think about if you have times where the outside world impacts the bunnies in weird ways. But the bunny family just wants to live a good life and farm. So in that case, I guess the end of the game would be living through all the scripted major events, and then relaxing peacefully at the end. But maybe that is too dramatic :p

toffee the cat 💕

@BitBun reading your ideas and running them through my head now!!! hmmmhmm

~BitBun~ :bunRetro:

@toffy of course, do as you will - just trying to help get the creative juices flowing. I hope to see a cute bunny farming game some day! :bunHappyHop:

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