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Nate Gaylinn

@jrconlin Sigh. Are they talking about doing anything novel or meaningful with it, or just dropping the buzzword at every opportunity and stuffing it into every product?

jr conlin


It runs the gambit. They had a whole thing about injecting AI improvements before search results (not super helpful) to creating content and code, to some of the photo and voice editing stuff they do on devices.

But yeah, every speaker on the keynote so far has mentioned AI at least once.

Nate Gaylinn

@jrconlin I'm not surprised about them putting an LLM above the Search results, but also not happy. That would divert traffic away from the sites below, which provide the source material for the LLM, presumably without consent, attribution, or compensation. So, not only is this bad for the open web, but in the long run it'll undermine Google's LLM, too.

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