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Free Software Foundation

Google's deprecation of #JPEGXL demonstrates its unjust amount of control over the web. Read our writeup here:

Marce Luna

@fsf I love FSF, but your toots are being repetead over and over again too many times. Please consider tooting less and thinking about new ideas to spread.


@fsf i don't understand this. Google cab "deprecate" whatever they want in their software. Nothing is forbidding "other" browser makers to implement any image formats they want in their browsers (instead of spending money , time and resources on unrelated stuff. Looking at you, Mozilla).


@fsf This is a whole other problem that free software may not be able to solve without really good counter education. When many stuborn or predictable corporations relly on a piese of free software made by a malicious actor, exercising the supposed freedoms in many situations becomes prohibivly expensive or futile.

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