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Sir Rochard 'Dock' Bunson

@sergio_101 It's the shit!

Here's a bit of a rundown of the features. Let me know if you have a question. If I don't know, we'll figure it out.


@SrRochardBunson one real quick question.. is this a different interface to #mastodon , or is this a completely new social media venue?

Leigh Silvester

@sergio_101 @SrRochardBunson calckey is cool.
Very feature rich.

It's different to mastodon, but can see mastodon messages, and most messages from calckey can be seen on Mastodon. Posts in the groups and channels are not visible on Mastodon.

All part of the fediverse.

There are also things like pixelfed (images), Peertube (video), bookwyrm (books) and many others.

Mastodon is just the entry point to a much larger fediverse.

@sergio_101 @SrRochardBunson calckey is cool.
Very feature rich.

It's different to mastodon, but can see mastodon messages, and most messages from calckey can be seen on Mastodon. Posts in the groups and channels are not visible on Mastodon.

All part of the fediverse.

There are also things like pixelfed (images), Peertube (video), bookwyrm (books) and many others.

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