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@marius851000 @bortzmeyer Thanks, could really use some expertise on that.

Very hard to imagine how something like this could happen by accident without breaking the rest of the internet, but maybe there are some explanations after all, I just don't know what else to check.

Stéphane Bortzmeyer

@lnkr_ @marius851000 Two of the tested RIPE Atlas probes are at Silknet, two at Magticomas.
Also, when DNS resolvers lie for censorship,they typically return NXDOMAIN or localhost or the IP address of a Web site with warnings. I never saw SERVFAILs being returned.


@bortzmeyer @marius851000

Me neither, that's one of the things that makes it even weirder

Stéphane Bortzmeyer

@marius851000 @lnkr_ There are ten RIPE Atlas probes in Georgia and not one of them exhibit this behaviour The "censored" names are fine for all.
RIPE Atlas probes' DNS resolvers may not be typical resolvers so more information is needed (output from dig, names/ASn of providers, etc).
Also, it may have been a temporary network glitch? Or, of course, a test for censorship.

#DNS #censorship #freedomOfSpeech

@marius851000 @lnkr_ There are ten RIPE Atlas probes in Georgia and not one of them exhibit this behaviour The "censored" names are fine for all.
RIPE Atlas probes' DNS resolvers may not be typical resolvers so more information is needed (output from dig, names/ASn of providers, etc).
Also, it may have been a temporary network glitch? Or, of course, a test for censorship.


@bortzmeyer @marius851000

Genuine question - assuming that I wasn't tripping, and both the test I did yesterday and it's results there were correct, with pretty much all of the ActivityPub server names resolve attempt fails being SERVFAIL, is there any plausible explanation as to how this could have happened because of some glitch or anything else that wasn't done intentionally?

Stéphane Bortzmeyer

@lnkr_ @marius851000 Did you test, at the same time, other names such as well-known services (, reliable but not famous names (, small under-the-radar fediverse instances (


@bortzmeyer @marius851000

There was 1000 AP instances, generally anything with more than 100 active users reported, including too, versus the first 1000 names from OONI global which I guess can pass as a sort of a combination of well-known and reliable but not famous names.

Unfortunately, I have not saved responses for each of the domains, only overall stats, but now that I scrolled through OONI list I can say with reasonable certainty that those few percents on OONI list resolvance failures was definitely due to the fact that it also contains several ActivityPub instances.

I'll put together more representative lists for next time, but I believe it was already a statistically significant difference.

@bortzmeyer @marius851000

There was 1000 AP instances, generally anything with more than 100 active users reported, including too, versus the first 1000 names from OONI global which I guess can pass as a sort of a combination of well-known and reliable but not famous names.

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