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Johannes Ernst

Public townsquare? Permanent record? Full transparency? Bluesky?

Somebody put all of #Bluesky's posts so far in one single database.

Note AFAIK everything that happens on Bluesky is public, and can never be deleted. So this is not a bug, this is a feature, according to their architecture.


@J12t That is pretty nuts. So no privacy features? At all?

James Kyrianov Fabricius

@J12t Woah. That's a long stretch from the "own your content" users want. Permanent record is not a good solution to social media, as it only serves to create further problems (like bullying) down the line.

Mike Beasley

@J12t you can delete things on bluesky. there was a bug a while back where old media files attached to deleted posts weren’t getting deleted but they already fixed it and have planned to do a rebase of the repos to remove the old dangling files.

Johannes Ernst

@MikeBeas Last time I looked at the protocol it was append-only.

Mike Beasley

@J12t no, it has deletes, it always has.

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