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Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

Renewed my free #RedHat Developer subscription for individual developers by simply logging in at after a year. Another year of up to 16 machines running Red Hat Enterprise Linux for free, yes, even with production workloads.

Mathieu Poussin

@jwildeboer oh I though developer licences were not to be used for production?
Also I think it's limited to 10 licences?

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@kedare Well, you'd be wrong ;) Also: Subscriptions, not licenses :)

"The Red Hat Developer Subscription for Individuals is a single subscription, which allows the user to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a maximum of 16 systems, physical or virtual, regardless of system facts and size. Those 16 nodes may be used by the individual developer for demos, prototyping, QA, small production uses, and cloud access."

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