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🏳️‍⚧️ 💙 Bwee 💙 🏳️‍⚧️

Here's a little sunshine for your day!!

This artwork is done by IguanaMouth over on Tumblr.

I just discovered these today after talking about dandelions with Wah. I searched for Dandelion Lion and these delighted me to no end. I love the sleeping one!

I hope you're having a day as beautiful as you are, friend! (Lots!!)

A dandelion-lion adult and cub. They look so happy together!!
Three dandelion-lion colored sketches. One is an adult looking alarmed, one is a cub looking cute and smiley, and one is an adult asleep on their side, their mane-petals are closed around their face.
A lion made of dandelion features. The mane is a beautiful dandelion flower's petals, there are leaves on the lion's back, and the tail-end is a dandelion puff, ready to blow its seeds.
Kitt / Basil 🌻 🔜 bewhiskered

@Bwee if you're in a dandelion mood there are some adorable telegram stickers to be found here:
(Not made by me, just appreciated by me! 🌼)

🏳️‍⚧️ 💙 Bwee 💙 🏳️‍⚧️

@Yotenotes Haha awww thank you for the link, those are adorable! :D 💙💙💙

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