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Seth "Twylo" Morabito

A gentle reminder to please remove your batteries.

Joe Cooper πŸ’Ύ

@twylo that's why I only collect computers without a battery-backed RTC. That way they don't know how old they are, so they don't fail.

Colin McMillen

@elduvelle oh yes.
Search images for "vintage macintosh battery leak" for a horror gallery @twylo



To be fair, it's soldered in. 😒


@twylo im not removing my wheelchair's batteries thankyou very much :P

Simon Zerafa :donor: :verified:


The VARTA battery that failed years ago πŸ«€πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Paul Dunning

@twylo I removed a dodgy battery from the board on my Acorn RISC PC and relocated a new one out if the way if the PCB with some wires. If it leaks, it won’t kill the computer.

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