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shards of tebicat

informed consent should be the standard for all healthcare, not just trans healthcare.

shards of tebicat

@greatgrandma idk maybe when you're over 18, but i remember just being told like "oh take this, it will help you sleep" and it made feel absolutely miserable in a number of ways, including just like. randomly collapsing.

and i had no idea to blame that medication, because i never was told a list of side effects.


@tebicat Oh dear. I must say I can relate to your situation very well. I am a retired RN who lived under the thumb of someone else for most of my life. I advocated for patients far more than I advocated for myself. Educate yourself so that others cannot bully you. Do not wait to learn how valuable you are. I waited over 50 years. You have rights. Demand respect. Feel free to ask me questions. I enjoy doing research. Never give up.

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