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Johannes Ernst

In other news, in a long pitched battle between the Postgres permission system and the uneducated horde a the gate, the now not as uneducated horde -- me -- can report to have won the contested territory. I wonder though whether I can hold it, given how things have been going.

hamish campbell

@J12t at your next event are you thinking of partnering with #socialhub as they have a good history of putting on #activertypub events.

Johannes Ernst

@hamishcampbell Would you be willing to introduce us to the right person?

hamish campbell

@J12t you can start with me as am a mod there, then we can start a thread... this might be a good move to diffuse the current mess making. Or not, let's try at least :)

Johannes Ernst

@hamishcampbell For right now, we are still finishing up the last event, the demo videos should get published shortly.

Alex Volkov

@J12t are you setting up postgres server from scratch?

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