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Johannes Ernst

I'm still a bit shocked by the -- to me, very unexpected -- insight in the leaked Google #AI memo that the world is now wide open for garage-level ("an evening and a beefy laptop") competitive AI, not just big budget AI, and that #opensource might become common for trained models. That upsets a bunch of assumptions I made about the world -- to be sure, in a good way!

What will we see if garage entrepreneurs can outcompete #Google and #OpenAI, as the memo suggests?


@J12t There won't really be enterpreneurs, as the software will be free. Each company will buy hardware to train their own in-house models, so hardware sales will be pretty good.


@J12t Yes, of course I did. You can train it on a laptop but the cost-effective point will be where companies will get hardware to run daily updates.


@J12t It is good and bad I think. As with most things.

Now a small group of people bent on destabilizing society can compete with government and corporate sized capabilities in generating disinformation.

On the other hand, we may be able to push AI out to the network edge. In the 1950s we were promised intelligent robots that would live in our homes with us. For a while it looked like they were really going to be living in big data centers and spying on us. That outcome **may** be averted.

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