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Guy English

@schwa A stunningly beautiful film with a pace I thought we’d forgotten how to make when it came to sci-fi. I’m really looking forward to this.

Jonathan Wight

@Gte yes exactly my take. It was like someone had thrown out 20 years of bad fantasy/sf bullshit and said "here, this is how you do it with love and respect for your material and your audience”.

Joe Rosensteel 🏳️‍🌈

@Gte honestly they should have gone for

in their little C shape font the whole way

Guy English

@joesteel I like the idea of three lines of four letter words evenly spaced as a block of inscrutable variations of C.

Guy English

@joesteel I love that you know I work on Photoshop and you verb Pixelmator at me. Now _that’s_ a DUNC!

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