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Huh. Maybe ChatGPT could be useful after all. If we just had a sock-puppet-detecting bot that engaged them with an LLM, it could keep them too busy fighting shadows to hurt real people.

...I'm the eighth person to come up with this idea today, aren't I?

Hector Martin

@gothnbass That'd still drive engagement with the garbage if it happens in public, so it's no good. Best is to just ignore them.


Unfortunately, "don't feed the trolls" has been proven not to work.

OK, better idea: a bot that does the grunt-work of showing them (and the audience) that this shit is socially unacceptable. Bonus points if it comes across as somebody whose opinion they respect.

Hector Martin

@gothnbass It does though? I've had *excellent* results from "don't feed the trolls". It's not foolproof but it sure is a good idea.


@marcan @gothnbass don't feed the trolls doesn't work for random harassment, but for targeted things from a small group of people it generally does

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