I looked back to some of my old files. Putting computers in an imaginary world is something I revisit from time to time.

In ~1993 I imagined a post-collapse world where people build computers out of random components, and no two computers are alike. A small village could have a wired network consisting of tens of BBSes. There would be a village-wide messaging network and some wider-area ones. A shop in a nearby town specializes in collecting and selling of components.

In 1995-1996 I had a fantasy world where microchips grow on trees. These trees only grow on a single planet in the known universe and only produce fruit every 200 years (all at the same time). At these times, a democompo is organized, and the entire crop is given to the winner. Cultures spend a lot of effort on raising their representatives that are sent to the planet on slower-than-light spaceships.

In around 2003, I had created another world where all plants and animals (including humans) are born with a "subconscious" that works like a programmable computer and can be hacked telepathically. Magic is based on this; even genetics can be modified by programming. Point-to-point telepathy is short-range, but forests can be used as long-range routing networks. Trees usually have a six-bit code represented as "runes", but the instruction set varies from species to species.