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Chris Hayes

Updated to Ubuntu 23.04. After the update prompt kicked me out of an Overwatch game, I figured it was a sign from our lord, Torvalds.
So, far no issues. No "partial upgrade" non-sense. The new Gnome update further refines the quick-actions UI.
And of course had to update my wallpaper courtesy @sylvia_ritter

Benjamin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

@chris_hayes @sylvia_ritter
That is a significantly better background than when I was on Ubuntu, though. Wow, they've upped their game.

Chris Hayes

@benjaminhollon it's not an official one. This is one the artist @sylvia_ritter on Mastodon created. But, I'm sure she'll take it as a compliment 😄

Sylvia Ritter

@chris_hayes Yay, so honored, and thank you for your support ☀️ :blobcatcoffee: !

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