I usually see mentions in non-linux computer-related places that community of Linux are "elitists" or that they are gatekeeping and that's why there is no Linux year etc

I think it is mostly misunderstanding because, well, people who tend to be good at something really do think it is easy, and even if they are told it is not, it doesn't neseccarily make it easier to understand how much it's hard for other person.

And also, linux is a community based effort, and people tend to get mad at someone that cannot appreciate this effort just because they cannot provide the same out of box expirience on hardware specifically made for Windows, or the same feature set that is already been made by... let's see, one company with budget counted in billions, in the whole world.

So in the end, Windows folk that don't have resolve to patiently learn linux, will not go and learn linux even if Misrosoft will, I don't know, literally beat them to near death. The same goes for people that need specific things not availible on Linux, like reliable acessibility tools or specific videogames with kernel level anticheats.