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Chee Aun πŸ€”

So, some folks are getting inactive on Mastodon, stayed on Twitter, hyped/saddened about popular figures migrating to BlueSky. Designers went to's Posts. Long-form content creators seem to be excited about Substack Notes.

Younger generations (in Asia?) are all over TikTok. Content creators cross-post to YouTube Shorts & Reels for reach. Older folks are passively posting on Facebook. Career-driven folks are actively self-promoting on LinkedIn.

Isn't this literally "decentralised"? πŸ€”


@cheeaun yep, but not in a β€œsane” way

CCK Kampong Boi

@cheeaun ppl go to wherever good content is at πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

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