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Jason Pester

@xavdid Thanks, Dave. I just plugged your code into Chromium's Dev Tools & it output legitimate links. I don't know what the problem is at this point except possibly that I still have sites without secure certificates - I noticed a Mastodon code request to enforce https in URLs for verification. I'm unsure if this request made it into development & release. My other instances on Mastodon had no problem with this when I initially verified them back in Nov '22. I place my tags in the HTML header.

David Brownman

@JasonPester ah yeah, hard to say. I know verification checks happen when you save your profile, so a check can fail if the server is especially busy when you hit "save". If the output looks right (and it seems to), maybe try re-saving your profile to force a re-check?

Jason Pester

@xavdid I've been doing that too. This appears to be one of those annoying gremlins... lol. Thanks for your help, Dave! 👍 If I figure it out, I'll give you a ping.

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