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Johannes Ernst

Idea/definition: a “single persona zone” on the internet is all the places / sites where you’d like to be known as the same persona, use the same attributes, avatar etc.

You can use many of those and keep them separate, such as personal vs work. The new idea here is its more natural to think about this single persona zone than how to refer to accounts on other sites as “me, too”.

Note that in most cases, a single persona zone is much larger than a single website.

Johannes Ernst

Example for a “single persona zone”: your job searching persona zone might include your LinkedIn, your GitHub, your personal website that has a resume in html and pdf, all accounts on job searching sites that you use for this job search, and the accounts on networking/event sites like Meetup where you rsvp for networking events.

Johannes Ernst

Very naturally, any “single personal zone” should be really easy to use across sites. You already have decided to use a single personal for all of those, software might as well give you single-sign-in, and automatic attribute propagation across all sites in the zone. Example: if you change you move physical addresses during a job search, of course you want that address to automatically be updated across all sites in the zone.

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