Email or username:


Forgot your password?

Did you know you can verify your account on Mastodon? It's free, privacy-friendly, based on open web standards, and available to everyone!


@Mastodon thanks for the reminder. I need to get my verification on my site fixed ^^


@Mastodon you're still free to donate $8a month for any cause you care about.


Crap. I don't have a website. You'll just have to take my word for it. I'm me.

Colin Cogle 🔵

@Mastodon You can also add a checkmark emoji, blue circle emoji, or something like that to your name, if you really want a little icon.


@Mastodon proposal: blockchain based verification

Caf ☕

@Mastodon it’s not working on one of my site it’s sooo weird ;)

Wendy Lady

@Mastodon maybe @gailsimone can finally be verified here! I don't believe she exists otherwise. 😌


@Mastodon I would like to see more flexibility for #Mastodon #verification. There should be an option to use a #DNS entry as an alternative as is typically done on other #Internet platforms, including #Apple and #Proton and #Google. While individuals may own domain names, for various reasons they may choose not to pay for website hosting. The current system disenfranchises these people. For example I own and have it configured for e-mail and domain forwarding.


@Mastodon Not quite needs a website first...


@Mastodon ...but do I get a BLUE CHECKMARK?! ;)

Dave Kirk

@Mastodon Don't have, or need, a web site. Oh well. 🙁

PHX Rail Food

@Mastodon I have tried numerous times to do this without success. Is there any more detailed documentation or troubleshooting available anywhere?

Ted M. Young

@Mastodon Hah, wow, those "instructions" are **terrible**.

"Put a link to your Mastodon profile on your website or webpage. The important part is that the link has to have a `rel="me"` attribute on it. Then edit your Mastodon profile and put the address of your website or web page in one of your four profile fields. Save your profile, that's it!"

What now? Website or webpage (is there a difference)? Where do I put the `rel="me"`? Does it matter? What if I'm using Markdown to generate the link, then what? Oh, and "website or web page", wait, is it "webpage" or "web page"?

Can you maybe provide an example or two? Or a link to where this is already documented? I know what you're trying to do, but a bit more hand-holding here would do a world of good for those less technically inclined.

@Mastodon Hah, wow, those "instructions" are **terrible**.

"Put a link to your Mastodon profile on your website or webpage. The important part is that the link has to have a `rel="me"` attribute on it. Then edit your Mastodon profile and put the address of your website or web page in one of your four profile fields. Save your profile, that's it!"

victor tsaran

@Mastodon Free, you say? I am not interested′ :) :) :)

Rick McCharles ✅

Verification is not clearly explained. Could that be edited with a full example?


@Mastodon stop referring new users to select #servers on the #Official #Mastodon #app.

You can’t promote an open #fediverse and stack your servers at the same time.

I’ll use the app (especially since I’m on a different one anyway), but I’m not going to recommend it to anyone until then.


Matt Edgar

@Mastodon Great to see this feature being promoted. Mastodon link verification is a simple, elegant, and web-native solution to a complex problem

I wonder if the guide could be enhanced with step-by-step help for people using popular personal website hosting such as #WordpressDotCom?

I figured out how to verify with a custom menu link but it took me a while

:PUA: Shlee fucked around and

@Mastodon Please place a full code example on that page

`<a href="" rel="me">@shlee</a>` ?

Georg Öttl

@Mastodon ok, gescheitert am Prozess. Was soll ich machen?



I did not know. I actually posted the question the other day, "does the check mark mean anything on mastodon" and I didn't receive an answer

Thank you

Tomi the Slav and 1024 others

@Mastodon No luck for me, I'm using Google Sites and can't include html tag.
Adding DNS verification would be a good idea.

7 Segiri 13

@Mastodon So that's how you get the check mark thing on here sounds easy.


@Mastodon this does not seem to work on my google site at even though this is in the source for the page:

ZZ Bottom

As i dont have a i phone how can i move past this requirement?

If you enable two-factor authentication using an authenticator app, logging in will require you to be in possession of your phone, which will generate tokens for you to enter.


@Mastodon The article forgets to mention that the site needs to be served over httpS.

Ita Ryan

@Mastodon A female face in the examples would be nice. It's Not Just For Men.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@Mastodon so are you using @keyoxide or other means to do so?

Also is it exclusive to


@Mastodon For users with accounts on both Mastodon and another site where verification costs money, is there any way for a #Mastodon verification to confer check mark free yet implicit verification for the other account? #ThinkingOutLoud

Felix Schaumburg

@Mastodon What about an domain username as it could be on bluesky? Would be even better for verification and identification.

Debra Nutter

@Mastodon Spoutible wants you to do the same thing. Smh.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@Mastodon Last time I looked, LinkedIn didn't have any way to use your profile page there as Mastodon verification. I submitted a request and they said they'd think about it.

Rob Miller

@Mastodon I totally get this and the good intentions behind it. But this so nerdy and intimidating to non-techy folks. The vast majority of people don't have their own website and don't understand what a rel attribute is. When people say they find Mastodon difficult and unwelcoming, this kind of thing is why.

Arosano aka Niels

@Mastodon Do you have any idea on how to add a rel=“me” to a link in a wiki? I use dokuwiki. #wiki #syntax

Clinton Anderson SwordForHire

@Mastodon Can I use my FB page? What about my Insta? Or my Google account?

Is there a list somewhere of what I can use? Maybe with "Total Idiot" level of instructions too?


Eric Etheridge

@Mastodon did you guys all use to work for Microsoft?


@Mastodon yeah well, ok, but I'm still tossing you 8 bucks.

Brian Dear

@Mastodon You just have to pay to have a URL with HTTPS at the beginning of it, otherwise, yeah, free!

Kris Samsel

@Mastodon I already registered. I’m missing something?

Alienated Alien

@Mastodon I’m Unable To Upload Pictures. Any Reason Why The App Isn’t Functioning Accordingly?

Michael Dashow

@Mastodon Anyone have any advice on how to do this in WordPress where the Image Title Attribute is saved in a separate string from a link's target URL. Adding the rel="me" where WP wants it is not showing my page to be verified on Mastodon. (and if you have a solution, eli5 😅 )

Theresa Kessler

@Mastodon I'm glad we dont have to use a cell phone number to verify, like I had to do with twitter. I have to use my daughter's number as I dont have a cellphone. TY!

Daniel Brockman


"The important part is that the link has to have a rel="me" attribute on it. "

How to use this attribute? How do I give a link an attribute? Can you give an example of how to write it & where?

Christopher Paun ☑️

It is worth noting that you need an #HTTPS-link for the #verification.
A simple #HTTP-link to a vintage homepage won’t do the trick.

Andrew Herron

@Mastodon and GitHub supports this! So it’s easy (and free) for anyone to verify themselves

jromz03 🌌🔭🎮✌️🐘

Can't use google sites though.
Github can though, create an account, add your mastadon URL, then add the github url back to mastadon.

also twittodon is a nifty website that link confirms your twitter and mastadon account. they also provide a link that can is also verified by mastadon.

Priscilla Hernandez

@Mastodon oh fellow singer songwriter here, I must see to it


@Mastodon That page still doesn't mention that you need an SSL cert, though, which my website doesn’t. Took me ages to figure out why my verification link wasn't working.

Nox :verified:

@Mastodon jokes on you, I have a blue checkmark

Jim Luther

@Mastodon there is a major omission on this page: there is no link to the complete documentation <>. Please add a line saying, “For more information, see That would have saved me and several friends a lot of time.

Expert Plus 🍀

@Mastodon Thanks to @trunksapp , I can see that Mastodon's account is official without visiting a profile: take a look at this checkmark green badge :-)


Did you know that is just one of many Instances of Mastodon the Software as Part of the Fediverse(federated Network) where you can register an Account?

And there are many other Apps on Android and iOS for it, not just Mastodon who tries to force you to register only on there Instance.

It has all the Stuff, being free, privacy-friendly, based on Web Standards and available for everyone. 😉

#JoinMastodon #Register #Newbie

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