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David Pierce

I wrote about ActivityPub, and why Elon Musk might have saved social networks by buying Twitter — just not at all in the way he meant to

Jonathan Glick

@pierce Wow, you really did. Fantastic article, David.

Adam Ierymenko

@pierce I've definitely wondered if he might have been "chaotic good" in buying Twitter. The status quo certainly was not great, and it's shaken things up a lot and helped launch renewed interest in decentralized networks like this, Nostr, etc.


@adamierymenko @pierce Accidental positive outcomes don't count as being good. From his perspective I'm sure this is a bad thing.

Jeff Moe


Wow, what a great article. So much more understanding of what is going on than the junk from The Guardian the other day.

Excellent! :)


@pierce This is exactly the thing I hate on social media. Some of your friends use this other use that and if you want to stay in touch with all of them, you must operate a gazillion of accounts, different aps, etc. It's an unsustainable state of affairs.


@pierce in my opinion is the #Fedivese / #ActivityPub more advance then #Nostr, then only a #encryption is not the single point for a good network – social media is #public communication not privat.


@pierce the all elusive activitypub article!

millionsofplayers :troll:​

@pierce with just how used to it people are with current social media I don’t think activitypub will Massively take off but it would be amazing if it did

Imagine selfhosting your own mastodon instance and being able to interact with tumblr, instagram/pixelfed and youtube accounts (I forgot the name of the activitypub version) through the same instance

Mike Beasley

@millions @pierce activitypub will never catch on with the masses. it’s majorly flawed and inefficient. you can’t even move your account to a new server without losing your entire post history and changing your username.

atproto is the future of this stuff. truly portable identities that work with any apps built on the protocol, data you can move anywhere without losing your posts or username (which is independent of your host). it’s way more approachable for normal people.

IoT is the grey goo

@MikeBeas @millions @pierce

Since both Dorsey and Musk have their fingers in this pie, I have to ask to what extent is atproto designed to push cryptocurrency?

IoT is the grey goo

@MikeBeas @millions @pierce BTW, I don't believe you can have a distributed naming system without some centralization. So I'm getting a whiff of snake oil here.

APub naming has DNS as its basis.

Mike Beasley

@tasket @millions @pierce atproto usernames are straight up dns entries. read up on it. my atproto username is because i added a TXT record to my domain confirming ownership of it. now i can host my atproto data anywhere i want and my username will remain the same.

usernames on the domain are the same way. you can hold onto the username and move your data anywhere in the network you want.

its all documented on their site and currently working in the beta.

IoT is the grey goo

@pierce ActivityPub is less than edifying for people who like context-making posts – which is most people. No QTs really stifles engagement with news orgs / journalists. And the worst part is its a simple feature withheld for ideological reasons.

Similarly with no sub-threading, threads are harder to navigate and digest. I don't want to do visual second-takes 50 times in a thread to make sure I've understood which sub-comment is a reply to which comment (it really matters).

The multi-site frustrations are surmountable. But intentional context-stripping is not. Journalist and celebrity activity on fedi may have already reached its peak. I guess we'll just have to be satisfied with "That's not important" as the explanation for how things turned out.

@pierce ActivityPub is less than edifying for people who like context-making posts – which is most people. No QTs really stifles engagement with news orgs / journalists. And the worst part is its a simple feature withheld for ideological reasons.

Similarly with no sub-threading, threads are harder to navigate and digest. I don't want to do visual second-takes 50 times in a thread to make sure I've understood which sub-comment is a reply to which comment (it really matters).

Pusher Of Pixels

@pierce wow, FABULOUS article! Very much appreciated for the level headed and informed take. And written for lay people to understand.

Well done!

bettybarcode (she/her) 🚲

One little detail jumped out at me: is NPR actually on Mastodon?

Justin Garrison

@pierce Great article but there was a lot of confusion about decentralized vs interoperable.

Email messages are interoperable and decentralized but contacts are over-the-top services that are neither decentralized or interoperable without special export/import features

There's nothing about ActivityPub that says my toots will be able to show up in tumbler. The data models may be incompatible. ActivityPub is the protocol for how data should be shared, not the structure/content of the data.

Johannes Ernst

@pierce This is an excellent piece. Only missing was your fediverse handle on the article! :-)

Bjorn Toft Madsen

@J12t @pierce should run it’s own Mastodon server instead. Verification is only a problem if you’re handing your identify off to another domain.

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