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@jschuh heh, yep. it was fun while it lasted :D


@Viss <alt take> the rickroll was a guerilla cyber sec edu campaign </alt take>


@Viss for me it was malware keyloggers on sites like Thottbot and Wowhead trying to steal folks WoW accounts 😂


@kampf @Viss we need to give up all the other methods of educating users because they've let us down.

Paul Barker


@doot really is doing infosec after all.


@Viss @Fr333k
the only thing missing in this pic is a qr code that points to a certain song on youtube 😬

liebach 🏳️‍🌈

@Viss Where's the link (linkshortened, naturally) that I can click?

一 〇

@Viss Description: A man, here Rick Astley, sitting in a park behind a desk with a sign in front of it saying: "Rickrolling has taught us to be wary of random links more than any cyber security course ever has | CHANGE MY MIND"

Григорий Клюшников

I still click random links but if it's a youtube link I don't click it if the video ID starts with dQw

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


And it's a LOT kinder way to teach it than ye olde "goatse dot cx"

If you don't remember what that is, DO NOT GO SEARCHING FOR IT.



Viscount Economic_Hitman

It just taught me to turn my volume down before clicking on links

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