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Tim Chambers

@mike @fediversereport

This is a great innovation on how to do this - and way to bring human-curated content discovery to the #Fediverse. #Bravo.

Mike McCue

@tchambers @fediversereport Thanks Tim! Human curation is even more important now than when we started Flipboard.

Wigbert B πŸŽ»πŸ›πŸŽ­πŸŽ€πŸ—žπŸŽ₯πŸ“š

@mike @tchambers @fediversereport

fortunately, well-done/ sophisticated #curation can not be replaced by bots or #AI, as it includes human curiosity & intuition…

Tim Chambers

@wigbert @mike @fediversereport

It reminds me of the difference between sharing hand-crafted music playlists, versus AI created playlists made by machines using some algo of which we know not.

And is so much more in the spirit of the Fediverse.

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