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Fediverse Report

Wikipedia is now on Mastodon, at @wikipedia!

They've taken an interesting approach here, as it is an account run by the community, where everyone can contribute (explanation here: At the same time, it is verified on the official homepage of, as you can see in the screenshot.

Personally, I think this suits the spirit of the fediverse that the Wikipedia account is not a PR department, but community members building something together!

gavinisdie :troll:

@fediversereport @wikipedia this randomly made me think of the dispute about what was the Austro Hungarian Empire's Flag

Håkon Percs

@fediversereport @wikipedia Wikipedia should invest more in PR to sanitize its unsavory public image!

Håkon Percs

@Geronimoon @fediversereport @wikipedia Wikipedia is notoriously biased against corporations and tech entrepreneurs. Fortunately corporations are working tirelessly to correct errors on their Wikipedia pages but this is only a drop in the bucket against the corruption at Wikipedia.


@fediversereport @wikipedia welcome and ello.... enjoy the spreading of info and encyclopedic information sharing


@fediversereport can they... moderate each other's posts? seems like potential for chaos?

aismallard (relocated!)

@fediversereport @wikipedia @mastodonmigration thanks to @legoktm and the rest of the team for running the instance!


@fediversereport @wikipedia The growth of #Mastodon is still shooting up after the head musky twit #ElonMusk decided to destroy #Twitter .
And Mastodon will continue to climb.


@fediversereport @wikipedia it's recursion calamari. The imagination is the engineering constraint and the medium is biomechanical pluripotent new age sci fi greY goo rolled up into a being of light that is caught in a Douglass hofsteadarian trophic cascade of epistemological violence and poetic terrorism. Revised and updated.

Alexander Trivia Dragonson

@fediversereport just wait till we start getting notability flame wars over image descriptions

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