Hello Fediverse! 👋
#Wikipedia :wikipedia: is a multilingual free online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers, known as Wikipedians, through open collaboration and using a wiki-based editing system called MediaWiki. -- or so says our Wikipedia article (https://w.wiki/W).
Follow for cool facts, behind-the-scenes details on editing processes and tips on getting started contributing!
#Introduction #FreeCulture #FreeContent #OpenKnowledge #wiki #CreativeCommons
There are currently 332 language editions of #Wikipedia (again, per Wikipedia) - we'll do our best to bring multilingual content, but we would appreciate help from Wikipedians involved in non-English language editions with suggesting content to post or translating existing posts.
This account is community-run by Wikipedians (like you!) - see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/@Wikipedia for details.
Please help us in creating a Mastodon account that anyone can edit :-)