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@drq @protonmail @rf they generally don't. The government came and forced them to start logging IP addresses for a *very specific account* and put a gag order on top of that. What would you have done in their place?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@arashi I would have provided some examples of people "just doing despicabe things because that's what they are forced to", but I'm sure you'd find them yourself, rather quickly.

These things don't matter. What matters is, an activist, (a human being, let's start with this), got arrrested for being a minor inconvenience to the Big Money. And @protonmail played a role and did their bidding, forced or not.

This incident has destroyed any and all trust in Protonmail. From now on, where's ANY guarantee that this is an isolated case? Where's ANY guarantee that their VPN is also not being monitored for *very specific accounts*?

That's a rhetorical, by the way. I don't expect an answer.


@arashi I would have provided some examples of people "just doing despicabe things because that's what they are forced to", but I'm sure you'd find them yourself, rather quickly.

These things don't matter. What matters is, an activist, (a human being, let's start with this), got arrrested for being a minor inconvenience to the Big Money. And @protonmail played a role and did their bidding, forced or not.

arashi replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @protonmail @rf there's no guarantee for anything ever, the VPN vs email IP privacy is dictated by the Swiss law not by ProtonMail. It's a very nuanced case from which we can learn a lot how to protect ourselves better from the state actors, yet people choose to dumb this down to unbearable levels and just complain instead of improving things. Good luck with that strategy.

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to arashi

@arashi Complain? Who's complaining?

Not me. I'm taking a piss on someone who overpromised and underdelivered and, as a consequence, played an active role in ruining a person's life.


@protonmail @rf

arashi replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @protonmail @rf I was referring to the general sentiment around this case, not necessarily your particular comment. I'm just tired of everyone attacking everyone else at an extremely shallow level while contributing absolutely nothing to improve the available tools or public knowledge.

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to arashi

@arashi And, besides. Expecting every person to be a CompSci InfoSec Pro Ultra Giga Mega DeepWeb DarkNet Ass 1337 H4x0rs is already a losing proposition.

@protonmail @rf

arashi replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @protonmail @rf come on, my tech-awkward barber understands how to protect his IP address better than this... It's not rocket science. And if you don't take the necessary steps to protect your freedom, you cannot expect anybody else to do that for you.

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