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Matthew Garrett

If you installed a Linux system with disk encryption more than a couple of years ago, there's a decent chance it's using a weak key derivation function and someone who cares enough would be in a position to brute-force it. has more details and instructions on how to update to a better KDF.


@mjg59 hmm

i wonder if my debian 12 install upgraded from a roughly year-old debian 11 is affected


@f00fc7c8 @mjg59 to figure out if you're affected, run this: `cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda3 | grep -e Version` and ` cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda3 | grep PBKDF`. unless that says "2" and "argon2id", you are affected


@f00fc7c8 note that a previous reply of mine stated that you need to grep for Digests, that's explicitly what @mjg59 tells you *not* to do. in general, don't listen to me and listen to him

itsybitesyspider :pmgpurple:

@f00fc7c8 @mjg59 I have a machine that I bought 21 months ago, that has only ever run debian unstable, and another from about 10 months ago, running stable, and both came back argon2i.

So this would seem to impact statistically everything.


@itsybitesyspider @mjg59 Hopefully this blog post gets major distros to push out argon2id by default as a security update.

IoT is the grey goo

@mjg59 Good to raise this point.

But the article assumes the encryption must have been broken. There are numerous other ways to get access to a computer's contents, ones which police heavily favor.


@mjg59 i do wonder how one distribution (say Debian) is supposed to deal with this on upgrades... maybe we should add that to the release notes along with your procedure? i'm also considering doing such a procedure fleet-wide here... i can't help but think this is rather risky...


@mjg59 Great information. Boosting and replying so others see it.



Upgraded mine last year and also deleted an extra unused keyslot.

I was kinda worried that I'd bork the system, so I went through all the issues re luks2 first πŸ˜… but in the end it was pretty painless.


@mjg59 Thanks for the information on LUKS keys. Extremely important especially for those using it as a cloud backup option.

clacke: looking for something πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡­πŸ‡°πŸ’™πŸ’›
@mjg59 Yeah this partition right here has seen most of the Ubuntu LTSes of last decade.
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