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Jonathan Mosen

I’ve written an open letter asking organisations that engage online with the blind community to come to Mastodon in light of the significant regressions at Twitter.
If you agree, please sign it and share it as widely as you can. This is one occasion where if we can show how many of us care about this issue, it will make it clear that it’s worth companies putting in the effort to be here.
I would also be very grateful for the support of our sighted friends.
Thank you.


@JonathanMosen Brilliantr, i have boosted this and will sign it.

Trenton Matthews


That goes for any of the fediverse spots, not just Mastodon in my view.

Definitely signing this regardless!

Seedy the dweeb

@JonathanMosen Not just blind accessibility, but potentially saving lives as well. Many weather services and news outlets can't provide instant updates via Twitter anymore due to the API being shut down.

Sam Levine

@JonathanMosen Done! I think having the emergency services & local weather announcements here would be very helpful for many people.

Also I didn't notice that I managed to hit caps lock while typing quickly, so it looks like I'm shouting in the the signature list, sorry people!


@SRLevine @JonathanMosen This is a signature. It should be shouted.🥰👍 I’m sure your John Hancock is perfect.

Ashley Odell

@JonathanMosen You can use this form to report that you are unable to use one of the social media channels promoted by Connecticut state agencies on the state website, and that you'd recommend using Mastodon instead. You can even include a link to this open letter in the text box!

Note: Annoyingly, you must click "Submit" on the second page as well, even though the text there makes it sound like it already submitted.

@JonathanMosen You can use this form to report that you are unable to use one of the social media channels promoted by Connecticut state agencies on the state website, and that you'd recommend using Mastodon instead. You can even include a link to this open letter in the text box!

Note: Annoyingly, you must click "Submit" on the second page as well, even though the text there makes it sound like it already submitted.

Chris Wood

@JonathanMosen signed and boosted. The letter was beautifully and clearly written and I hope it has a positive impact.


@JonathanMosen Maybe I'm in a narrow group of follows, but everyone I know on here cares about captions - including us sighted people. They are always helpful.
I never used twitter. I only know it from those who left and say it was a toxic place.


@ChocolatePie @JonathanMosen I don't know how to do these online letters concerning folks coming out to mastodon but I boosted this message. I'm for it. I want to be able to follow all the folks I used to on 'TWITTER" YEAH, TWITTER" and that's no reflection on eith you, Kay or Jonathan. I felt like we were chastized by that ELON MUSK. I'LL BE DIGNIFIED THOUGH I DON'T FEEL THAT WAY. HE'D BE TOO GOOD TO COME OUT ON MASTODON TO SEE THESE MESSAGES!!!!!!


@boltonnut @JonathanMosen i'm not sure what app you're using. you open the link and fill out the information, name etc.


@ChocolatePie @JonathanMosen I want my Michael Bolton fans (friends) to be out there. I have a hard time with "TWITTER" on the iPhone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did I write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@JonathanMosen Eloquently written, thank you for taking the time, signed and boosted.👍


@JonathanMosen serious question: as a person with low vision, I'm wondering what exactly Twitter is doing that makes it hard for those of us with low or no sight to use it?

Doug Lawlor

@rikimae @JonathanMosen For me, the iPhone client is behaving in strange unpredictable ways. The reply function wasn't working for a period of time last week. If I bring up one of my lists, I can only look at the first 25 posts or so. Using VoiceOver here. I'm sure people are finding other things wrong depending on how they use the service.


@douglawlor @JonathanMosen maybe it's just the iPhone client. I use the Android version, and I have no issues with it at all


From what I've read, Twitter has blocked API access to some accessibility tools. Also, the team working on accessibility at Twitter got fired, so we can't expect them to keep up with any changes in accessibility standards.

@rikimae @JonathanMosen @zbecker



I have never used twitter, what were these regressions?


@JonathanMosen , I want blind people to enjoy/hate social media just as much as the temporarily sighted. So add alt-text to your images! It may be a challenge to your description abilities, but it is entirely welcome by the people that can't just see it. A mediocre description is far better than nothing, and as you practice, you'll get better.

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