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Kevin Beaumont

lol, Parler has shut down. Calls itself "uncancelable" while being cancelled.

Carey :blobcatverified:

@GossiTheDog I thought this must be an edit of what was actually posted, but no, it's what they really said. Huh.


@GossiTheDog Best part is that someone actually believed that a Twitter clone for conservatives would be a viable business.

LN :anarchoheart3:

@GossiTheDog I first thought the logo was some kind of galleon sinking in the ocean but it seems to be a person rowing while sitting in a waterlogged canoe. I'm not sure which is worse.

Krister Renaud

@GossiTheDog must have been a big blow when Trump backed Troth Truth Senchal instead of just joining Parler like his fellow GOPers did.


@GossiTheDog owning the libs isn't anywhere near as much fun when there aren't any libs around

Joe Stone

@GossiTheDog that was an odd thing to keep in the press release. πŸ˜‚


@GossiTheDog sadly it looks like it’s just temporary.


@DataDrivenMD @GossiTheDog Did they all run back to Twitter now that it's "safe" there?

Kevin Becker :donor:

@GossiTheDog I'm not sure what to make of the statement. Sounds like maybe they are just gonna be a cloud host for right-wing hate sites that keep getting driven off other platforms?

Kevin Beaumont

@oldmanmike nah he backed out after Elon paid for Twitter and unbanned him... but then Elon banned Kanye.


@GossiTheDog "No reasonable person believes that a Twitter clone just for Conservatives is a viable business model anymore."

It never was a viable business model. New platforms need distinguishing features out of the gate (a "Conservative safe haven" is not one) and need a long-term viability plan. Clones just attract users who were banned from mainstream platforms and users who had little/no following already.

I imagine the other "free speech" platforms will have a similar fate to Parler.

CauseOfBSOD :fediverse: 🀣 whats the point of a ​:birdsite:​ clone if it does not federate?


@GossiTheDog YEAH!! I know some want Twitter to stay, but I hope it's next.

John Francis

@GossiTheDog it sounds like...they were better at selling time on their cloud resources to other people instead of running their own product on it?

Third spruce tree on the left

@GossiTheDog Is it just me or can I not find ANYTHING about formerly or their respective business entities?

Like they have a few business index entries (Olympic does) but they're listed as a few dozen employees, a few hundred $k to a few million in revenue.

Doesn't seem like a "huge conglomerate" to me. Seems more like someone bought a legit but unknown, lowkey existing corporation to fold a social media company *into*.

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