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Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@J12t what would the benefit be? I could maybe see the argument for a federated code platform.. but i don't know if it'd align with what we "traditionally" think of as something like GitHub. I feel like it'd just be too much noise to signal (see also GH's past firehose streaming API)

Johannes Ernst

@thisismissem This would require much better filtering options than are currently available for sure. And I might have a separate Fediverse account just to follow all the projects that I'm interested in. But it would be all in once place, instead of distributed over Github, Gitlab, self-hosted stuff etc.

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@J12t arguably, someone could already create an oauth app that pulls that data for every project you follow, but idk about you but I rely on notifications, especially via email for updates.

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