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War Mapper

I've set up a substack profile now that they have a Twitter-like side.

Depending on how things go there over the next few weeks/months I may switch over to that as my Twitter alternative.

War Mapper

@Malik Only will if notes takes off. It's only just launched so I'm not sure how good it will be.


@warmapper I think Mastodon took off already. What's missing for you?

War Mapper

@Malik It's not as user-friendly and I've had a huge drop off in interactions. Down something like 80-90%, I don't think many of the followers here are active anymore unfortunately.


@warmapper Interesting. I hear mostly the absolute opposite: much more interaction on here with way less followers than on Twitter –because no bots.

War Mapper

@Malik When people first started moving here the interaction was much better than Twitter but the interaction rate is less than half what it is on Twitter now. It may be something to do with the type of content I post though.

Definitely don't have the bot problem here though which is a big plus.

Hank Chen

@Malik @warmapper Definitely not your issue. A lot of people go to Twitter for news, so unless most journalists/content providers leave, most people will complain and still stay there. Unfortunately, Mastodon’s UI is another issue. The lack of a good recommendation algorithm also hurts engagement.

Derick Rethans

@warmapper @Malik Many won't interact, but that doesn't mean they're not interested in the content. FWIW, I wouldn't have known what to interact with/for? It's a daily map...

War Mapper

@derickr @Malik Completely fair, and to be honest I wouldn't be giving much engagement for these slow updates if I was following me😂 .

It's just that engagement is the only way I can 'track' how active followers are relative to other social media accounts.

Fan Fietser

Quit Twitter, as for me, but stay at Mastodon! 🙏


@warmapper please stay on mastodon. I followed you from Twitter and love your updates here.

Jon Bjork

@warmapper I agree with the others. I would hate to see you drop Mastodon. Yes it's not that user friendly, and yes it seems like people have dropped off. I think with Ukraine, most of the developments have not shown much of a change on the field. Once the counter attack begins, you should see more interaction. Really appreciate your updates!

Eric Carroll

@warmapper We love your presence here.

With mastodon's API being so accessible, please consider at least cross-posting.

mndflayr :damnified: :debian:

@warmapper I always ⭐ your posts. I never used Twitter or similar. Would be sad if you left.

Benjamin Leis ✅

@warmapper I don't interact normally but I do read everyday here.

Frank Verhoeven

@warmapper Some guy with a small d*ck and way too much money will buy Substack sooner than later. The #fediverse is free forever and the only choice for true independence.

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