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Drew Harwell

How a news organization can respond to Twitter, rather than continue to pour resources, free content and ad dollars into it after their reporter gets banned


@drewharwell other news outlets are basically “access media” so they are used to getting slapped around and saying “thank you sir, please can I have another” to maintain access to news makers (corps, politicos actors) so they can shoddily just reprint press releases more than do actual journalism which costs money

Petra van Cronenburg

@drewharwell With 52 channels, it's time to open their own instance in the #Fediverse! Imagine the independence and security if #media would open their own #instances (some do it already).
#NPR #journalism #journalists

Night Walker

@drewharwell “Musk said he was relying on a Wikipedia page dedicated to "publicly funded broadcasters" to determine which accounts should receive the label.”

Staid Winnow


The individual journos can still choose to remain. Will they? My guess is YES.


"At this point I have lost my faith in the decision-making at Twitter," [John Lansing] says. "I would need some time to understand whether Twitter can be trusted again."

LOVE IT! Finally a CEO with balls :mastodondance:

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