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Tim Mak

No word on whether NPR will migrate to Mastodon. But I’m happy to continue pushing colleagues to come on over. Who would you like to see most?

Tim Mak

Given what’s happening to Twitter, I have to wonder: is the future for reported social media actually a return to 2000s era blogging, but this time via Substack? Aka slow Twitter/Mastodon?

Tim Mak

Too much information, too much yelling on Twitter. It’s obvious that the future is in a community that thrives on slower, high quality, moderated content

Tim Mak

Lol someone on Mastodon suggested we just go back to the highly moderated community medium of books

Tim Mak

Twitter is only useful of verified-information at speed. Breaking news you can trust from credible sources. Without that what is the point? I’m not here for the bad takes

Tim Mak

I'm actually on this ancient social media called 'Books.' I even wrote one

Tim Mak

I didn't need get to get a blue check mark to write a book, but I did need to be a journalist for a decade, convince an agent to work on spec, and get rejected by every publishing house in New York for my first idea in order to eventually land a book deal

Tim Mak

I've never told this story, but the reason I wrote a book about the NRA was because I originally pitched a book about Maria Butina, the Russian government agent who I uncovered in 2017

Every New York book publisher rejected it because Russia was 'so over'

Tim Mak

But while I was getting tossed out of one office, one publisher mentioned that no one had ever written a book about the inner workings of the NRA, and Butina could be a major character in that. So that's how 'Misfire' was born

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