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Tim Mak

Here are the results of testing a Ukraine thread on Mastodon.

I only have 1/20th the following here as I do on Twitter.

Yet you folks provided 1/4 the boosts/likes/comments that Twitter did on similar news reporting.

I’m staying.

And maybe I’ll even post to Mastodon first for my next big announcement!



oh lookee - mastodon just improved itself again !
we loves ya, tim.
glad you chose to join.
it matters a lot.

Ron K Jeffries social

@timkmak My esperience is there is near zero reach on Twitter, Mastodon has similar issue, but seems somewhat better

Jamon Bull

@timkmak Yes. This is a great way forward. If journalists and content creators just posted on Mastodon first, it would create a huge swell regarding where people are looking for information. With all of Elon’s recent antics, I can’t see Twitter remaining the place to look for well informed commentary, long term.


@timkmak I have about a quarter the following here that I had on Twitter, but it's common for things I post here to be boosted hundreds of times, while I was lucky to get a "like" on Twitter. The algorithm did not like me. People here seem to be much more engaged.

Anyway, may this become a successful home for you!


@timkmak Your following will grow the more you post. Especially if it's breaking news, we're thirsty for that!


That's good news indeed! Thanks for sharing your outstanding reporting with us on Mastodon 🙏​

Amy Edge :toad:

@timkmak I suspect you have more thoughtful interactions. I think Dave Troy calls twitter broadcasting and mastodon interacting. It depends on your goal. 😊


@timkmak thanks for your reporting Tim. I’m looking forward to more of your excellent work.

jaymerryfield :mstdnca:

@timkmak Welcome! I certainly appreciate having more good voices around here; I find the signal-to-noise ratio much more manageable.

PJ Coffey


Hmm. Let's throw a couple of # here so that someone might find this who isn't following you or one of your followers.

#Journalist #TimMak #NPR #Ukraine

PJ Coffey


Yah. It's the only form of search on the platform.

I've got 8k post on my profile and I've only got about .5k things to say for myself with another 1.5k of replies.

The balance is just me whacking # on Migrating Tweeters and hoping for the best.

*shrugs* but Mastodon has a lot of the best talky people here so I want to help. 😀



@timkmak thank you for doing this. Maybe some will finally
understand the value of mastodon.

Swagpuss McG

Have a boost and a favourite you tooting great mastard


@timkmak more journalists on here is great news 🙌

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