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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Gitea > Gitlab. Especially now that Gitea has its own CI system.

Gitlab sucks, to be perfectly honest.

Blue I kinda like them both, we have gitlab at work and it feels nice.

By the way, what's with gitea drama? I heard something about them being bought by some big bad corpos and all decent people should migrate to forgejo or something. I'm a little bit concerned because I run gitea myself and don't know yet what to do

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@blue I wouldn't be assed about it just yet.

Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

Gitea has always been better than Gitlab from a usability perspective in our view. No forcing of javascript. No Goog' tracking and exploitation. Etc

#makeJavascriptOptional #reCaptcha


@drq чем же вас s-h gitlab не устраивает? Вот нужно создавать себе геморрой с бесконечными форками gogs’а?

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