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Smörhuvud (he/surprise me)

@jeff I’m masically hoping it deflates until the Wikimedia Foundation can buy it.

Sarah Anne


That things are going this way is surprising to no one but Musk.

Mid Plains Cyclist

@SarahAnneDipity @jeff And it could not happen to a more deserving individual

David Scott Moyer

@jeff hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

HMR Project

This is CNBC which webpage consists of a headline to introduce 99.999% advertising otherwise.


@jeff It would be a good day's work if the German courts took out Twitter.🤞


"As per a report by Techcrunch, more than 600 cases regarding hate speech on Twitter are pending before German courts.

Adding fuel to the fire, earlier this week, Germany had announced an investigation into  "suspected systemic failures under the country’s hate speech takedowns law".

As per Techcrunch, the law, known colloquially as NetzDG, allows for fines of up to 50 million euros per case."

Aad Engering


And the Saudis are going to pay that fine? I do not think so. nor does Elon, for that matter. That will be a block in Germany. 🤭😊😝



Just another slice in Twitter's death by a thousand cuts


@aadengering @jeff Seizing assets over international borders is inconvenient, not impossible.

Tom in Brighton

@jeff thanks for mentioning the Saudi link. Not many people are talking about that.

The Saudi prince probably isn't liking the depreciation of his investment, but enjoys the influence

MichelleRNCHPN Retired for now

He bought Twitter to blow it up, so in that sense, he has been successful.
Way to own the Libs Elon!

Jürgen Hubert

@jeff Sorry, but this is a mistranslation. The fines are up to 50 million Euro total, I believe.


@jeff AFAIK NetzDG also gives the power to block twitter in Germany if they turn into repeat offenders :elmo_fire:


Cringe. They're shooting down ordinary citizens' free speech (not that Musk actually respects that, as he promised), not holding a corporation to account for any wrongdoing.

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